Something Wonderful

Sorry for the lack of updates, because honestly? It’s been crazy these last few weeks going into March meaning with my new position and training for it. Luckily, it’s okay now because I’m slowly getting the hang of it and it’s great, honestly. I wish I would have listened to myself better rather than doubt myself because it got so hard, or I thought it was going to be so hard in the end. It wasn’t. I shouldn’t have allowed the depression to get back at me but it’s harder than I thought to battle it when I have my anxiety flaring up because of expectations from others but it’s fine now. I’m slowly getting into the routine of it all. Thank God!

In the time that I wasn’t blogging I had a few things happen like celebrating my 12th wedding anniversary with my husband, Jose, and that went wonderfully, too! I’ll share the pics of the food and we even visited my favorite anime store that came back from the dead with a new owner. I’m glad! Believe me, finding legit anime merchandise is hard when there are so many bootleg stores and whatnot. I don’t support bootlegs of anything, really. It’s bad for consumers and companies a like plus the implications that it isn’t safe. My husband and I had Japanese food: Ramen and him a bento box! The food was specular like always and I couldn’t complain when I got a few goodies from Anime Pop.

Plus, I’m losing weight again! Down to 111 lbs or so, but I’m not worried, I’ll eventually plateau and I’ll be fine at my current weight because I got to my goal weight and I’m healthier.

No more pain in my leg from my sciatica and no more pain from my degenerated discs in my spine. So, therefore, I’m doing so much better plus my bowels are fine after the whole gallbladder removal surgery back in November of last year. Took awhile for it all to settle but I’m doing great health wise as per my physical going on. Recolored and cut my hair short and pink like always because that’s my color! It’s always been my color since Gwen Stefani in the 90s. I blame her and the fact that she rocked that hot pink hair for a long period in that 90s for her second album: The Return of Saturn which is a fantastic album. Check it out. I love No Doubt, which they are responsible for “Don’t Speak” and “I’m Just A Girl” singles which are fantastic to this, honestly. Their second album is my favorite and where the pink hair obsession came from, at least that’s how I remember it when I was young.

Finally, got all of Marley’s shots done including rabies and she’s healthy as a fiddle though at 10 years of age, I’m surprised she still has puppy energy but I’m grateful each and every day that I get to spend with her like that.

Though I’ve been gaming and watching anime still: Still hooked on My Happy Marriage Season 2 and Sakamoto Days along with Great Teacher Onizuka which is a classic and I’m loving every moment of it. Silent Hill 2 Remake is what I’m playing alongside my husband. He does the exploration, combat and I help with the puzzles which are refreshing and it’s my first real proper introduction to Silent Hill besides the movie etc; and some random sequels that I vaguely remember playing through but I’m enjoying it. Of course with the new position means I get a bump in pay and….it’s great! I wanted to let everyone know that I’m doing all right and that a new layout is in the works, a bit more whimsical than this and colorful plus different too!

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