Left Alone With Our Own Devices

EDIT: It’s a cold! My husband Jose is sick with a cold! Not the flu, or COVID, but a cold that’s been kicking his butt; luckily, he’s on medication for it now, but it still sucks either way for him. He’s slowly recovering which is great!

The husband is sick–which we suspect is either a cold or flu and for the first time in a long time, he didn’t get it from me and instead just got it; though I got the flu shot earlier last year but the thing to remember is that I’m usually the cause of his sickness though one time he did give me COVID, so there’s that and that was a doozy. Either way, I’m doing my best to take care of him and not allow him to remain sick because it can get to me but for now? I’m just suffering from allergies but if I have the flu, I’m using a sick day or two to feel better, if and when it happens and if it doesn’t happen, I’m all better to it.

The Snow Parable

Did I mention that it snowed a bit a week or two again? Because it did! It was amazing but I didn’t call out of work or anything, so I did go but it was soooo slow so we closed early because of the snow in general. 8pm, I believe. It was crazy and customers were rude at the end but I didn’t care because I never do. I try not to allow work issues to get to me nor dwell in me too long, because if it starts then it festers and resentment happens, and you don’t want that. I’m trying to avoid grudges against even my greatest foes. Yes, foes. People that want to do me harm. People that did me harm and caused trauma on me. I don’t care anymore but I’ve given myself time to heal away from those people and allow karma to get to them. You reap what you sow, basically.